Thursday, 24 May 2007

Wooooooo Yar Blah

The bank holiday next Monday is for the Queens birthday, not her real birthday, her birthday for common people to know about. As a Civil Servant (I work for the government) I get an extra day off that can be taken any time. So I'm taking Tuesday off too. So will only have to work 3 days next week which is a bonus i guess.

What exciting plans have I got I don't hear you ask? On Saturday I'm going to London Zoo, organised by my dads work. I've never been there before so it should be very exciting see animals sleep, shit and eat. I don't really need to go to London to see that, I could just watch my dogs or go over the park. Same thing if you think about it. Then nothing til Tuesday when its my sisters 21st birthday, we are going to do something during the day but nothing set yet. Then go out for family meal in the evening.

Going back a few days now to Wednesday morning when I was driving into the car park and as I turned a women came close to walking into my car. I slowed down and she saw my car, but when she turned I realised who it was. I had nearly hit my Line Manager! She didn't see it was me in the car and I didn't say anything to her until this morning that she nearly walked into my car. I like my Line Manager so it would be bad if I did hit her, sort of odd that many people hate their managers and would like them hurt or whatever but do nothing about it. But I nearly did it!

All for now

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