Friday, 25 May 2007

Shrek 3

Usually when it comes to the third film in a series its rubbish, like what I said about Spiderman 3. I thought Pirates 2 was really boring so expect number 3 to be even worse, but I'm not going to see it. Other films are bad when number 2 comes out, look at the Godfather. First one was very good but after that the other two sucked.

Execptions to this would be the Star Wars films, maybe would disagree but thats my view. Old horrors like Nightmare on Elm Street and Friday the 13th had OK follow on's apart from the Freddy vs Jason one.

I have just seen Shrek 3 and it wasn't a disappointment. The first two were really good and Shrek 3 is just as good. Not a dull moment at all and it keeps a good pace so you don't get bored at all. Most of the big laughs are at the beginning and end, but you still get a few funnys in between.

So I suggest you go and see it, 100% worth it!

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